Tredudwell Photography – Ashleigh and Jordan

February 8, 2022

Tredudwell Photography

Tredudwell Photography

Hi Dan!

We are both well thank you, hope you are too and having a wonderful summer!
Thank you so so much for our photos!! We absolutely love them! I think I’ll be falling in love with a new favourite forever. We love the clifftop and confetti ones and also the rainbow! and just all of them! Wow!! 
Of course we will complete the reviews!
Honestly cannot thank you enough, you were amazing on our wedding day and it felt like we’d known you and Laura for a long time! 
Speak soon! Thank you again!

Ashleigh & Jordan 🙂 

I am finding it so hard to put into words just what an incredible day Ashleigh and Jordan’s wedding was!! Suppose the pictures will really do the talking buying a try and put some words on paper anyway.
First off they chose to get married at Tredudwell Manor which is just one of the most beautiful venues in Cornwall. If you’ve not been there or seen it before then definitely check out these photos because it is insane there aren’t many Manors like this in Cornwall, so is definitely worth checking out!

I am so blessed to have so many amazing people choose me to be their photographer, there are so many great photographers out there in the world and expressly in Cornwall as well so to be chosen for your big day is such a massive compliment to me I still have to pinch myself sometimes!! So when Ashleigh and Jordan messaged me and said to that they kept coming back to my work I was honestly so flattered to be chosen by them when the competition locally is so so high.

I love the early morning feel of a wedding to see what the vibe will be like, when I walked in and Jordan and his mates were getting ready there was such a good atmosphere laughing and joking and tons of good vibes I knew it was gonna be a good day from the offset.

Ashleigh and Jordan managed to hold their ceremony outside under the arbour. This is such a gorgeous setting for a wedding, it’s incredibly picturesque with rolling fields in the background and they also managed to have all of the guests sitting on the lawn watching them get married – what could be finer!

Ashleigh and Jordan were ridiculously blessed with beautiful summer weather after the ceremony we managed to take a stroll in the fields overlooking the sea, which is one of the most breathtaking views and meant that we managed to get awesome photos of just Ashleigh and Jordan enjoying two minutes alone together (weddings are seriously busy don’t you know!!). I love this time during the wedding, I try not to direct at all where possible and just let the couple do their thing! Like I said it’s really the only time you get during the day to be just by yourself so I tried to hang back a little bit and just let the love unfold!

We got extremely lucky and managed to get some sunset shots (which I absolutely adored!!). Me and Laura took a little drive while serving on the sat down eating location scouting to try and find a bit of high ground where we could take some shots that might be lucky enough to get the sunset. I had a good idea to have a look at one of the highest fields in the distance, which just so lovely happens to be owned by the National trust and was a public field / walkway. Because we managed to find this epic huge field, filled with wheat (being extremely careful making sure not to trample on anything and only walking down the tramlines!!) We were treated to an unbelievably good sunset which literally set the sky on fire. Don’t take my word for it actually check the photos they are insane!!

During this wedding, I was super lucky to be able to snap one of my favourite photographs ever!!! I’ve been photographing weddings for over 10 years now, so this is definitely no mean feat! Once we got back from taking sunset photos, which were insane, we were treated to an absolute display of nature! A huge rainbow appeared out of nowhere, and we had literally 10 seconds to be able to get a few photos. We found a mound near the car park which was slightly raised and allowed us to elevate Ashleigh and Jordan so that they would be placed free of all distractions in the background and really make the rainbow pop. I managed to shoot up on the couple leaving nothing but the sky and the couple making one of my favourite all-time photos and something I will probably never be able to see again!!

What a job honestly, I just bloody love it!! Thanks so so much for having me along guys it was honestly one of the best weddings ever and my absolute pleasure to be there for you!

Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell PhotographyTredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography Tredudwell Photography