WOW! 2016. That. Was. Unreal. I’m sure I sound like a huge cliché, but that was one hell of a year and my absolute favourite yet. 2016 saw me shooting 42 weddings all over the place but namely Cornwall and Devon weddings as well as the odd trip outside of the motherland (was super fun to be shooting some London Wedding Photography this year!). It has been great fun this year to take a big move to shooting a lot more Devon Wedding Photography.
As I sit here reflecting on what has been my busiest year yet, I always get super nervous and critical about putting these posts together. It’s incredibly hard to sort through and pull out just a few of the ‘best’ photos that I have taken this year (I delivered 35,111 photos for just weddings alone!). So to choose just a few of these is an unbelievable struggle, if I could I would chose them all! I’ve managed to select 195 photos so you aren’t here all day.
I have lost count of all the amazing people I have met this year, the stories I have heard (and been part of) and the memories that have been made. It’s my absolute favourite part of this job, there is nothing else quite like it. 2016 saw me quit my previous job (part time Marketing Manager) to get stuck in to weddings full time. Easily the best decision I have ever made, I really wish I had done it a long time ago. It’s unreal to think that this is now my job (and the best job in the world I must say!) and that I get to do this for a living, I still have to pinch myself! I’m itching to get started on 2017 and what it has in store. It’s shaping up to again be an incredibly busy year.
I still get blown away every year that people put their trust in my vision as to what wedding photography should be. It’s something I never grow tired of and am so passionate about; it makes me SO proud to be able to share weddings with you all. So for this I am thankful.
This year I have made a little slideshow containing the round up from this year – it’s not too long and is nice and quick, so blink and you will miss it. I promise not to bore you all to death! All the photos from the slideshow are underneath as well. Turn it up, sit back and enjoy.
Thanks to every couple that I have had the pleasure of working with this year. Thanks to everyone I have met along the way and everyone reading this!
I love you all! x
I love your colour toning for the greens. Do you use a preset in Lightroom or photoshop. Many of my clients are now asking for a similar look.
Thanks so much Robert. I mainly use my own preset now that I have made and tweak the greens myself. Thanks for the lovely words 🙂