Slack on Updating!

April 15, 2013

I’ve been terrible with updating my blog recently and I do apologise for this – its that time of the year again were my other job besides my wedding photography gets busy and I have not a single bit of spare time on my hands!

But needless to say, unlike last year I am more determined than ever to keep this updated! I have been super busy shooting, and had another wedding last weekend. Super excited to show you what I took at this Cornish Wedding, it was an incredibly cute couple that originally got married in Hong Kong but came to have a blessing at a beautiful holiday cottage in Cornwall. The weather was brilliant with probably the nicest Cornish weather we have had this year!

Accompanied with Live music, a marquee and plenty of happy people and good food proves to make some amazing photos!

Regardless, here is what I’ve been working on in the little spare time I do have: Fashion Photography for Nicole Kay Fashion

This is actually a re-edit for her blog. Check it out!