Updated the site again this week, there were still MASSES of errors, one of the biggest being the horizontal scrolling of the images on the portfolio style pages just wasnt working – a VERY big brain ache for me! CSS is not kind when one has had a headache for 6 days! Ha! 🙂

Anyway, from what I can tell, the whole site SHOULD be working now! Everything should be working in both Firefox and IE (Things were not) and soon enough I will go through and start changes the images on the site – NONE of them are saved for the web, alot look rubbish when resized as they are and ALOT look very scratchy where they have been saved for different purposes and without the internet in mind – again these WILL be fixed 🙂

Enough of the technical rubbish anyhow! Started shooting a roll of film this week – my first time ever in a film SLR – brought on by my new purchasing of a 35mm negative scanner 🙂 Very excited to see how the shots turn out! 🙂