Claire and Ellis were my second wedding at Pentillie this year and once again, a wedding I was massively looking forward to. I love this place – it’s so easy to shoot at and such a pleasure, everyone is just so nice. It was an absoutely amazing day, such a great bunch of people and Claire and Ellis are just fab!
The day actually started at Botus Fleming church just a short drive down the road from Pentillie Castle. The brides family live just across the road from the church, so it really was just a quick stroll across the road for the ceremony. The church itself is gorgeous and from here you could see just how much this couple loved eachother.
Claire and Ellis had discussed with me about grabbing some photos straight away after the ceremony whilst everyone was still travelling to the Pentillie Castle. We went for a quick ride down to Pentillie’s fabulous bathing hut down by the waters edge for some amazing pictures. We took a quick stroll around the grounds and Lyme Avenue, giving Claire and Ellis some time alone to reflect. These are some of my absolute favourite photos of the day!
Claire and Ellis opted to have a marquee in the grounds of Pentillie to hold their reception. Completely decorated it was quite a feast for the eyes. In the evening they had the stupidly good Company B band, who if you haven’t seen, you definitely should! Their first dance was held in the amazing drawing room with a whole dance routine worked out. Fab fab fab wedding!
Dan xx